G & D INVESTMENTS AND EXPORTS PTY LTD, ABN 31 059 799 067 is a distributor of nib Travel Services (Australia) Pty Ltd (nib), ABN 81 115 932 173, AFSL 308461 and receives a commission for nib products purchased through G & D INVESTMENTS AND EXPORTS PTY LTD. G & D INVESTMENTS AND EXPORTS PTY LTD acts as an agent for nib and not as your agent. G & D INVESTMENTS AND EXPORTS PTY LTD cannot give advice about nib products, and any factual information provided is not intended to imply a recommendation or opinion about nib products. Before you buy, please read the Product Disclosure Statement, Financial Services Guide and Target Market Determination (TMD) available from us. If you have a complaint about a nib product, see the Product Disclosure Statement for the complaints process. This insurance is underwritten by Pacific International Insurance Pty Ltd, ABN 83 169 311 193.